Privacy Policy

Privacy Statement :

When someone visits this Site, navigates through pages, reads pages, conducts searches, submits information or communications, or downloads content onto his\her computer, the Site may record and collect the following information:

  1. Which pages are visited.
  2. What content is downloaded and.
  3. The activities completed.

PURVA SHAREGISTRY may use this information to find out how many and what type of visitors visit the Site and which sections of the Site are visited most frequently. This helps PURVA SHAREGISTRY to know what information is most useful and to identify possible improvements to the Site to make it easier for different types of visitors to access the information they require. PURVA SHAREGISTRY may record statistical information in the aggregate, based on the numbers of visitors to the Site. As part of its operations, it may be necessary for PURVA SHAREGISTRY to share aggregate statistical information or other information with its affiliates and/or suppliers and/or other agencies on a "need to know" basis. By using the Site, users are deemed to have provided their permission to the collection and use of the aggregate statistical information for the purposes set out herein.

PURVA SHAREGISTRY only collects information about identifiable individuals that is provided to it voluntarily when a user completes the user's name, address and any additional details the user chooses to provide electronically in any applications or e-mails. Users do not have to give personal information to visit this site. PURVA SHAREGISTRY has implemented safeguards and security measures in an attempt to protect this information and keep it in strictest confidence. However, data transmissions over the Internet cannot be guaranteed to be 100% secure. PURVA SHAREGISTRY does not provide any representations, warranties or guarantees that personal information so volunteered will be protected against loss, misuse or alteration.

PURVA SHAREGISTRY retains the content of electronic submissions, applications, e-mails or other use of the "Contact us" portions of this Site, including the e-mail address from which the transmission was sent and responses thereto in order to handle any follow-up. By using this site, a user is deemed to have provided the user's permission to the collection and use of information for the purposes set out herein.

PURVA SHAREGISTRY reserves the right to change this privacy statement at any time(s) without prior notice by posting a modified privacy statement on the site.

User Data Privacy :
For user data privacy purposes, authentication and authorization policies have been applied to the data in transit as well as data in storage, that restricts unauthorized access to a user’s data.

Website Security :
  1. For site security purposes and to ensure that this service remains available to all users, this government computer system employs commercial software programs to monitor network traffic to identify unauthorized attempts to upload or change information, or otherwise cause damage.
  2. Except for authorized law enforcement investigations, no other attempts are made to identify individual users or their usage habits. Raw data logs are used for no other purposes and are scheduled for regular deletion.
  3. Unauthorized attempts to upload information or change information on this service are strictly prohibited and may be punishable under the Indian IT Act (2000).

Site visit data :
This website records your visit and logs the following information for statistical purposes -your server’s address; the name of the top-level domain from which you access the Internet (for example, .gov, .com, .in, etc); the type of browser you use; the date and time you access the site; the pages you have accessed and the documents downloaded and the previous Internet address from which you linked directly to the site.

We will not identify users or their browsing activities, except when a law enforcement agency may exercise a warrant to inspect the service provider’s logs.

Cookies :
A cookie is a piece of software code that an Internet web site sends to your browser when you access information at that site. Purva e-Voting platform uses cookies to store font size and theme settings.

Email management - collection of Personal Information :
Your email address will only be recorded if you choose to send a message. It will only be used for the purpose for which you have provided it and will not be added to a mailing list. Your email address will not be used for any other purpose, and will not be disclosed, without your consent.

If you are asked for any other Personal Information you will be informed how it will be used if you choose to give it. If at any time, you believe the principles referred to in this privacy statement have not been followed, or have any other comments on these principles, please notify the webmaster through the contact us page.

Note : The use of the term “Personal Information” in this privacy statement refers to any information from which your identity is apparent or can be reasonably ascertained.