
1. Registration

A registered shareholder as of cut-off date is eligible to cast the vote.

Registration of all such shareholders in the e-voting module is therefore automatic. There is no separate registration process.

2. User Id and Password

User id and password shall be e-mailed or sent through physical mode to the eligible shareholders as of cut-off date. Such shareholders can access the e-voting module and register their votes after passing through security credentials.

User id for shareholders with N.S.D.L client id shall be the combination of DP Id plus Client Id (16digits).

User id for shareholders with C.D.S.L client id shall be the 16 digit account number.

User id for physical shareholders shall be the combination of e-voting event number plus folio no.

3. Existing password/New password/Forgot password

Existing password means, the password already communicated for the previous e-voting event which would be applicable for all e-voting events provided on Purva e-voting platform.

If the ‘existing password” is not available or forgot the “existing password” shareholder can generate password by himself by following the below procedure:

  1. Go to Purva e-voting Homepage and Click on 'Shareholder / Member's Login.
  2. Select mode of holding Electronic for CDSL or NSDL and Physical for Folio number.
  3. Enter Dpid / Clientid in username for Electronic or Folio number in username for Physical.
  4. Click on forgot password link which resides below Password input.
  5. Enter OTP received on registered phone number or email.
  6. Enter new password and confirm new password.
  7. Submit.

Note: If 3 consecutive unsuccessful login attempts made then the login is blocked for 10 minutes. In case shareholder doesn't remember the password then they are advised to use above procedure to reset the password.

4. Voting & view voting pattern

After passing through the security credentials shareholder can select company name and proceed to voting page. Shareholder can either choose "Yes" or "No" or “Abstain” for all resolutions in one go by clicking in the boxes provided at the top of the resolutions.

Shareholder can also cast votes to the individual resolutions and choose "Yes" or "No" or “Abstain” as the case may be.

Shareholder cannot modify the preference after confirmation_external_link of vote cast.

Shareholder can view the voting pattern or also take print out of the votes done.

5. Voting at General meeting

Once the Shareholder does the vote through e-voting platform, he cannot vote in the General Body Meeting. However, he/she can participate in the discussions at the meeting.

6. Accessibility Help

Use the accessibility options provided by this Web site to control the screen display. These options allow changing the text size and website theme for clear visibility and better readability.

  • Decrease text size: Allows decreasing the text size up to two levels.
  • Normal text size: Allows setting default text size.
  • Increase text size: Allows increasing the text size up to two levels.
  • Default Theme: Shows Light blue background with black text.
  • Dark Theme: Shows Black background with yellow text.
  • Grey Theme: Shows Grey background with yellow text.

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Frequently Asked Questions on the e-Voting system of PurvaShare (For Shareholders)

1. I know about voting by 'Postal ballot'. What is e-Voting?

e-Voting is voting through an electronic system where shareholders can vote on resolutions of companies requiring voting through Postal Ballot as per extant rules and regulations without having the necessity of sending their votes through post. Purva Sharegistry (I) Pvt. Ltd. has set-up an electronic infrastructure to facilitate shareholders to cast votes in electronic form through internet.

2. What is the legal framework permitting e-Voting?

The Companies (Passing of the Resolution by Postal Ballot) Rules, 2001, has defined the "Postal Ballot as voting by shareholders by postal or electronic mode instead of voting personally by presenting for transacting businesses in a general meeting of the company". Thus, Section 192A of the Companies Act, 1956 read with Companies (Passing of the Resolution by Postal Ballot) Rules, 2001 recognizes voting by electronic mode for postal ballot.

3. How will I benefit from the e-Voting system?
  • Ease of operation. With User ID and password, you can login to e-Voting system ( of Purva e-voting through internet and cast your vote from your residence, office etc.
  • Sufficient time to vote till the end of voting cycle.
  • Elimination of postal ballots getting lost in-transit.
  • Paperless mode of casting vote.

4. Will proxy be able to cast vote in e-Voting system?

e-Voting system brings flexibility, convenience and ease of operation for the shareholder to cast vote through internet. Thus, eliminating the need to appoint a proxy.

5. Is time period for e-Voting same as Postal Ballot?

Yes. The time defined in the Postal Ballot Rules, 2001 for Postal Ballot is applicable for e-Voting as well.

6. There are demat accounts / shares certificates held by joint holders. In such a case who will cast the vote in e-Voting system?

As, only one of the several joint holders is entitled to exercise voting power, in case of e-voting only first holder is recognized for the purpose of sending user ID & password for e-voting.
Accordingly, the vote cast using the User ID and password sent to first holder is recognized on behalf of all the joint holders, as the shareholder who casts the vote through the e-Voting services of Purva Sharegistry (India) Pvt. Ltd. is doing so on behalf of all joint holders.

7. Voting on selective resolutions is permitted in Postal Ballot. Is the same available in the e-Voting system as well ?

Yes. Since a shareholder can decide to vote only on some of the resolutions put to vote, the same can also be done in e-Voting system as well.

8. Can I modify my vote before the closing of e-Voting cycle

No. Vote once cast will be considered final and cannot be modified.

9. How will the results be made available at the end of the voting period?

The Scrutinizer will collate the votes downloaded from e-Voting system and votes received through other means to declare the final results for the resolutions placed for voting by the Issuer.

10. How will I know if e-Voting website is secured?

If you are visiting the website with a secure connection, you will be able to identify the website through the site's certificate. A secure or encrypted website address will begin with HTTPS rather than HTTP, and you will see a lock icon in the Address bar.

Secure connections use certificates to identify the website and to encrypt your connection so that it will be more difficult for a hacker to view. You can also click the lock icon in the Address bar to see more information about the secured website.

Frequently Asked Questions on the e-Voting system of PurvaShare (For Issuer)

1. What is e-Voting?

e-Voting is voting through an electronic system where shareholders can vote on resolutions of companies requiring voting through Postal Ballot as per extant rules and regulations without having the necessity of sending their votes through post.
Purva Sharegistry (India) Pvt. Ltd has set-up an electronic infrastructure to facilitate shareholders to cast votes in electronic form through internet.

2. What is the legal framework permitting e-Voting?

The Companies (Passing of the Resolution by Postal Ballot) Rules, 2001, has defined the "Postal Ballot as voting by shareholders by postal or electronic mode instead of voting personally by presenting for transacting businesses in a general meeting of the company".
Thus, Section 192A of the Companies Act, 1956 read with Companies (Passing of the Resolution by Postal Ballot) Rules, 2001 recognizes voting by electronic mode for postal ballot.

3. Who will cast the vote in e-Voting system in case of joint holders?

As, only one of the several joint holders is entitled to exercise voting power, in case of e-voting only first holder is recognized for the purpose of sending user ID & password for e-voting.
Accordingly, the vote cast using the User ID and password sent to first holder is recognized on behalf of all the joint holders, as the shareholder who casts the vote through the e-Voting services of Purva Sharegistry (India) Pvt. Ltd. is doing so on behalf of all joint holders.

4. Will proxy be able to cast vote in e-Voting System ?

e-Voting System brings flexibility, convenience and ease of operation for the shareholder to cast vote through internet. Thus, eliminating the need to appoint a proxy.

5. Is time period for e-Voting same as Postal Ballot?

Yes. The time defined in the Postal Ballot Rules, 2001 for Postal Ballot is applicable for e-Voting as well.

6. Can a shareholder modify a vote already cast before the closing of e-Voting cycle?

No. Vote once cast will be considered final and cannot be modified.

7. Voting on selective resolutions is permitted in Postal Ballot. Is the same available in the e-Voting System as well ?

Yes, since a shareholder can decide to vote only on some of the resolutions put to vote, the same can also be done in e-Voting System as well.

8. How will the results be made available at the end of the voting period?

The Scrutinizer will download and collate the votes cast by the shareholders through the e-Voting System of Purva Sharegistry (India) Pvt. Ltd. and votes received through other means to declare the final results for the resolutions placed for voting by the Issuer.

9. How will I know if e-Voting website is secured?

If you are visiting the website with a secure connection, you will be able to identify the website through the site's certificate. A secure or encrypted website address will begin with HTTPS rather than HTTP, and you will see a lock icon in the Address bar.

Secure connections use certificates to identify the website and to encrypt your connection so that it will be more difficult for a hacker to view. You can also click the lock icon in the Address bar to see more information about the secured website.